Frontier walkers: resistance and normativity in LGBT+ speeches

Lucas Carboni Vieira, Dóris Fiss


This research dealt with in this article addresses LGBT+ enunciations about discrimination that takes the form of LGBT+phobia .  Held in 2016, it had the collaboration of sixteen participants aged between 19 and 36 years old and residing in Porto Alegre, Gravataí, Canoas or Alvorada, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul .  It tries to understand discourses, evidencing the meaning effects related to LGBT+phobia and the ways in which these meanings are linked, or not, to movements of resistance to heteronormativity.  In the data production stage, we used virtual questionnaires, through the free Survey Monkey platform , constituting a qualitative work from the perspectives of Menga Lüdke, Marli André and Maria Cecília de Souza Minayo.  The research is justified by the search for understanding of the possibilities of LGBT+ people saying, apprehending how the silencing, the interdiction of saying and the transgression are materialized in a tense way in the discourses.  Jonathan Ned Katz, Júlio Assis Simões, Regina Facchini and João Silvério Trevisan invite you to think about the history of hetero and homosexuality.  Michel Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi are the central references to discuss games of power present in language games, enabling a less naive approach to discourses.  Two meaning effects were identified - struggle ME and violence ME, inscribed in two antagonistic discursive formations - DF of Transgression and DF of Normativity, which, in turn, materialize the Ideological Formation of Heteronormativity  Such discoveries demonstrate that subjects and meanings are constituted through the act of wandering, sliding, or in the interval.  Even though sometimes silenced, LGBTs+ constitute the interval between the silence caused by LGBT+phobic words and gestures from others and the disruptive transgression.

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