Students' Analytical Thinking Process in Solving Sets Problems in Terms of The Characteristics of Pseudo Thinking

Agus Maqruf, Tatang Herman, Lathiful Anwar, Agung Wicaksono, Dwi Warli


Background: In solving mathematical problems, analytical thinking is an important type of thinking. Several studies show variations in students' levels of analytical thinking, so it is necessary to characterize analytical thinking to determine students' conditions in solving mathematical problems. Objectives: This study contributes to analyze the characteristics of students' analytical thinking processes in solving sets of problems. Design: The type of research used in this study is case-study qualitative research to analysing the students' analytical thinking processes using the Anderson framework  in terms of the pseudo charachterisctics thinking using the Vinner and Subanji framework. Setting and participants: The selected subjects are students who have studied the set of material. They are mathematics undergraduate students at the State University of Malang, Indonesia. Data collection and analysis: The instruments in this study were a set of problem tests and interview guidelines. The technique of checking the validity of the data in this study was carried out using source triangulation. Results: The results showed that 40 research subjects, when solving set problems, had gone through analytical thinking stages, namely differentiating, organizing, and attributing. Then, in addition to these results, there are also four characteristics of students' analytical thinking process in solving a set of problems based on possible answers that occur to them. Conclusion: The author's analysis shows there are four characteristics of analytical thinking process are thinking real true, true-pseudo, false-pseudo, and real false. Based on study results, this paper also presents recommendations for problem solutions related to four characteristics of analytical thinking.


analytical thinking; characteristics; pseudo; sets.

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Direitos autorais 2025 Agus Maqruf, Tatang Herman, Lathiful Anwar

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