Applying Ethnomathematics in Learning Mathematics for Middle School Students

Nilam Sari, Sahat Saragih, E. Elvis Napitupulu, Siti Rakiyah, Dwi Novita Sari, Syahriani Sirait, Anim Anim


Background: Mathematics is a scientific field inherently intertwined with everyday life. Nevertheless, the conventional approach to teaching math has been largely theoretical and detached from real-world situations, leading to challenges for students in comprehending mathematical concepts. Objectives: This study aims to determine how ethnomathematics influences students’ understanding of learning mathematics for linear equations material. Design: The study used a problem-based learning model with contextual characteristics. The research method was descriptive and qualitative by analyzing students’ activities. Setting and Participants: A total of 27 junior high school students from Medan, Indonesia, were involved in this research. Data collection and analysis: The data for analysis was obtained from student worksheets and observations of student activities conducted by the teacher. Results: The results indicate that: 1) Students could assume variables correctly, 2) Students could make mathematical models or equations correctly based on students understanding, which they saw directly from the illustration, 3) At the time of solving the problem, students could determine the method used, and 4) All students carried out the procedure correctly, but two groups got the wrong results because they made the wrong mathematical model. Conclusions: This study suggests this learning brought students into the context of the real world related to everyday life so that students easily understand the problem given.


Ethnomathematics; Problem-based learning; Linear equations systems.

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Direitos autorais 2023 Nilam Sari, Sahat Saragih, E. Elvis Napitupulu, Siti Rakiyah, Dwi Novita Sari, Syahriani Sirait, Anim Anim

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