Meaningful Learning and Mathematical Modelling - Contributions to Dealing with Business Problem Situations in Higher Education

Arrigo Fontana, Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald


Background: Applying mathematical modelling in problem situations shows the possibility of observation of the existing meaningful learning as a learning environment for the construction of knowledge with problems situations of the professional daily life of students enrolled in the subject Operational Research of Fisul College Administration Course, at Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul. Objectives: To elaborate, construct, and study a mathematical model that describes and/or explains these living situations in a professional routine integrated into the meaningful learning theory. Design: Qualitative research, based on the meaningful learning theory, in the operational research with the assistance of Solver and mathematical modelling. Setting and participants: The research was carried out in two classes of 24 students who attended the subject Operational Research in Higher Education. Data collection and analysis: The research was developed in five stages: Diagnostic Probing, Advanced Organizers, Evaluative Instrument, Modelling of Operational Research Problems, and Closure Activities. Results: Most students have evidence of the presence of subsumers in the activities developed, inserting concepts related to management, where they are related to the Business Administration course. Conclusions: The results revealed evidence of the Administrator’s professional conditions, such as the ability to recognise and define problems, introduce changes in the productive process, where the problems originated, and traces of construction of knowledge itself were perceived. 


Knowledge and learning; Mathematical modelling; Meaningful learning; Operational research

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Direitos autorais 2023 Arrigo Fontana

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