Developing and Reporting Psychometric Evidence of Prerequisite Algebra Skills Instrument

Hendra Kartika, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Yusuf Fuad, Kim Jeonghyeon, Ebenezer Bonyah


Background: Assessing prerequisite algebra skills among secondary school students is an essential part of learning to achieve success in formal algebraic classes. Objectives: Therefore, this research aims to develop prerequisite algebra skills (PAS) instrument in the context of early algebra for seventh grade. Design: It was conducted in quantitative descriptive and cross-sectional design. The PAS instrument developed was in the form of a multiple-choice questions. Participants: Three experts were selected and 85 Grades 7 students in West java Indonesia were participated to check the psychometric evidence. Data Collection and analysis: 3 experts filled an assessment sheet to assess content validity and inter-rater reliability, which was analyzed using a content validity index (CVI) and Kappa coefficient (κ). The construct validity and reliability were examined using the Point-Biserial correlation and Kuder-Richardson's 20. Results: The result of content validity revealed that overall instrument evaluation based on the dimensions substance and construction were valid and reliable. The construct of 23 items indicated valid with various difficulty levels and acceptable discrimination value. The developed instrument was considered reliable based on Kuder-Richardson's 20 value of 0.73. These results indicate that it is recommended to be used, as it is relevant, fast and easy to manage. Conclusions: The recommendation for improvement is emphasized in the language clarity aspect. The future study is also widely open about the provision of the test in an online-based format.


Early Algebra; Prerequisite Algebra; Reliability; Seventh Grade; Validity

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Direitos autorais 2023 Hendra Kartika, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Yusuf Fuad, Kim Jeonghyeon, Ebenezer Bonyah

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