Planning Teaching Sequences Based on Problem Solving from a Scientific Dissemination Tool

Amanda Pereira de Freitas, Angela Fernandes Campos


Background: The problem-solving approach has been highlighted in chemistry teaching. Objectives: To analyse the theoretical-methodological adjustments on the problem-solving approach carried out by chemistry teachers in their teaching plans. Design: Carrying out a problem-solving training activity. Setting and participants: This research involved twenty basic chemistry teachers, students of the professional master’s degree course in chemistry in the national education network offered by the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. Data collection and analysis: We used the content analysis technique through a priori and a posteriori categories to analyse the teachers’ plans built from guiding studies published on the RPEQ website. Results: We noticed that the teachers used few elements as presented in the guiding studies, building different plans according to their classroom contexts and demonstrating autonomy and creativity. Conclusions: We observe the potentiality of the RPEQ website regarding its functionality as a digital didactic resource serving as a basis for teachers to plan teaching situations that are different from the traditional method.


Problem-solving; Chemistry teaching; Scientific dissemination; RPEQ website

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Direitos autorais 2023 Amanda Pereira de Freitas, Angela Fernandes Campos

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