School Mathematics Tasks Designed by Secondary Education Teachers: An Analysis from the Functional Vision of Mathematics

José Romilio Loría Fernández, Miguel Evelio Picado Alfaro


Background: After mathematics curricular reform in 2012 in Costa Rica, which accentuate the functional vision of mathematics, it is worth inquiring if teachers designed tasks respond to established curricular guidelines and what mathematical and didactic characteristics that these tasks exhibit. Objectives: The aim of the study was to describe and analyze the mathematical and didactic elements, linked to the curricular proposal for Secondary Education in Costa Rica, used by in-service mathematics teachers for designing or selecting school tasks oriented to the development of mathematics skills on the subject of functions. Design: It corresponds to a descriptive-qualitative research, based on an intrinsic study of cases. Setting and Participants: Participants were five mathematics teachers from different educational institutions in Costa Rica during the year 2022 were studied, all teachers participated in a training program to promote teacher reflection competence regarding the design and analysis of school mathematics. Data collection and analysis: Data was collected from school mathematical tasks designed by the participants. The analysis of the information was carried out by defining categories and units of analysis based on the curricular provisions established for the teaching and learning of mathematics in Costa Rica, and the components of didactic analysis, as a methodology for the design of school mathematics tasks. Results: The analyzed tasks exhibit strengths in the curricular component, as well as in the didactic component. However, they lack elements that allow understanding how and when to put the designed tasks into practice, among other aspects. Conclusions: The training of in-service teachers takes a significant enhancement to strengthen knowledge and capacities oriented to the design, selection, and analysis of school mathematics tasks, associated with the functional vision of mathematics that articulates the curricular plan regarding student learning in Secondary Education in Costa Rica.


curricular plan; design and analysis of school mathematics; functional vision of mathematics; in-service teachers; school mathematics tasks



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Direitos autorais 2023 José Romilio Loría Fernández, Miguel Evelio Picado Alfaro

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