Blog as a Pedagogical Strategy to Enhance Learning About Household Solid Waste

Geane Elise Boesing, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes


Background: In contemporary times, challenges in the field of education are growing, especially regarding the integration of different methods of student engagement and training. Technology emerges with possibilities for innovative strategies aimed at enhancing learning and contributing to addressing environmental issues effectively. Teachers, in their pedagogical practices, should take into account the socio-environmental reality and integrate Environmental Education for participatory interventions in environmental issues. The use of blogs in Science education enables a more engaging interaction with the content, resulting in a more meaningful and contextualised learning experience. Objectives: To develop a blog to address household solid waste management and evaluate it as a technological tool for enhancing understanding of household solid waste management. Design: The methodology employed in this research was a qualitative approach. Setting and Participants: Thirty-five students from two seventh-grade classes at São Francisco Municipal Elementary School in the municipality of Tupandi/RS. Data collection and analysis: Two questionnaires were administered to the students, one pre-activity and another post-activity, and a blog was developed in each class. The quantitative data were analysed through descriptive statistical analysis, while the qualitative data were subjected to content analysis. Results: Most students had no prior experience with blogging, and their limited knowledge of the concept was associated with using the media tool as a page for posting personal life details. During the blog development, students did not encounter difficulties handling the platform's icons. The evaluation characterised the blog as a positive learning tool regarding household solid waste management, recognised by the students as meaningful in classroom practices. Conclusions: The development of blogs served as a technological and pedagogical strategy that facilitated learning about household solid waste management, connecting with the local reality and fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the students, aligning with one of the purposes of Environmental Education. Furthermore, the integration of the blog in Science education enabled the establishment of a collaborative and dynamic network for knowledge exchange, as well as the cultivation of skills related to digital literacy.


Blog; Household solid waste; Technological and pedagogical strategy; Environmental Education

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Direitos autorais 2023 Geane Elise Boesing, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes

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