ChatGPT as Co-Advisor in Scientific Initiation: Action Research with Project-Based Learning in Elementary Education

Fabiano Villan, Renato P. dos Santos


Background: In the contemporary educational landscape, technology has the power to drive innovative pedagogical practices. Overcoming the resistance of teachers and students to adopting new methods and technologies is a challenge that needs to be addressed. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of ChatGPT as a co-advisor in research projects and its influence on the implementation of Project-Based Learning (PBL), as well as overcoming resistance to the use of new pedagogical methodologies. Design: An action-research methodology was employed, including unstructured interviews and the application of questionnaires via Google Forms. Setting and Participants: The research was conducted in an elementary school, involving 353 students and 16 teachers. Data Collection and Analysis: Data were gathered through observations and notes in meetings and interviews, complemented by electronic questionnaires, with quantitative and qualitative analyses performed via Microsoft Excel and Google Forms. Results: The introduction of ChatGPT as a pedagogical tool led to increased student engagement and decreased teacher resistance, reflected in recognition at local science fairs. Conclusion: The study confirmed the utility of ChatGPT in school research co-orientation, highlighting its role in facilitating PBL and promoting cultural changes in educational practice, with proactive school management identified as a catalysing element in adapting to educational innovations.


ChatGPT as Co-advisor, Scientific Initiation, Elementary School, Project-Based Learning, Action Research

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Direitos autorais 2023 Renato P. dos Santos

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