The Reflexes of Teaching Practice in Chemistry Teaching: Searching for Interdisciplinary Dialogues

Mayki Jardim Sivico, Rodrigo Da Vitória Gomes, Ana Néry Furlan Mendes


Background: Interdisciplinarity arises in the search to rescue and direct learning between students and educators. Objective: The objective of this paper is to understand the discussions and reflections conveyed from Theses and Dissertations aimed at the articulations between the Teaching of Chemistry from the interdisciplinary practice in Basic Education. Design: Through this, we seek to build the state of the art available on the CAPES portal in the period from 2011 to 2021. Participants: The research classified as qualitative, portrays the analysis of 44 works that were obtained in the review carried out. Data collection and analysis: The analysis of the results emerged from three categories in the light of the analysis method proposed by Bardin (2011), namely: i) Construction of scientific knowledge; ii) integration process; and, iii) interfaces between learners and educators. Results: Based on the results, it was possible to analyze throughout the discussions that interdisciplinarity has led to reflections that intertwine theory and practice in Chemistry Teaching, through more critical attitudes in school spaces. Conclusions: This corroborates that the researches present a concern to lead the students to be true protagonists of their learning.


Interdisciplinarity; Chemistry teaching; State of art.

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Direitos autorais 2023 Ana Néry Furlan Mendes, Mayki Jardim Sivico, Rodrigo Da Vitória Gomes

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