The Profile of Palaeontology Teaching in Undergraduate Courses in Brazil

Everton Fernando Alves, Débora Liemi Tanji, Carolina Zabini


Background: Currently, palaeontology professors have been challenged to update and incorporate innovative teaching approaches into their planning to help students develop the necessary skills and competencies. However, today there is a mismatch between the current and the ideal teaching profiles. Objective: To describe the palaeontology teaching profile in undergraduate courses in Brazil. Design: Descriptive and exploratory study. Setting and participants: Palaeontology professors (n=37) in undergraduate courses at several Brazilian higher education institutions. Data analysis collection: Data were collected through a semi-structured online form (survey), triangulated and categorised into (a) general characteristics, (b) teacher education, (c) teaching experience, (d) undergraduate courses, (e) curriculum, syllabus, and programme discussion meetings, (f) inter and multidisciplinarity, and (g) curriculum. Results: Despite the limited scope (small sample size), the study results guided the focus of the research and improvement efforts, as there are still many difficulties and challenges to be overcome to raise the quality of teaching in undergraduate palaeontology across the country. Conclusions: The data from this study can serve as a valuable basis for professors-researchers, educational managers, and policymakers interested in implementing innovative continuing education programmes and in supporting management and policy decisions regarding potential reforms of palaeontology teaching in Brazilian undergraduate courses in higher education institutions.


Teaching; Geoscience education; Teacher education; Pedagogical practices; University education

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Direitos autorais 2023 Everton Fernando Alves, Débora Liemi Tanji, Carolina Zabini

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