Professional Learning Opportunities for Teachers of the Early Years in Algebra Teaching: A Study on the Practice of a Teacher Educator

Miriam Criez Nobrega Ferriera, João Pedro Ponte, Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro


Background: Teacher education processes directly influence the quality of teaching and, indirectly, students’ learning, which leads teacher educators to assume a central role in the development and leading of these processes, justifying in-depth studies about their actions. Objective: To understand how the actions and practices developed by a teacher educator during the orchestration of whole-group discussions contribute to creating professional learning opportunities about mathematical knowledge and educational practice regarding working with algebraic thinking aimed at elementary school teachers. Design: This is a qualitative-interpretive study along the lines of intervention research. Settings and Participants: The study included the teacher educator and 14 teachers who taught in grades 3-5 in a teaching network in a municipality in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Data collection: The data were collected through video recording during the whole-group discussions with two cameras, one directed at the teacher educator and the other at the teachers. Results: The results indicate that the teacher educator used a set of actions and practices to conduct the whole-group discussions. Conclusions: The teacher educator’s practices that led teachers to reflect on their practice are the ones that most provide professional learning opportunities, even though other practices are essential in creating an environment that promotes whole-group discussions.


Teacher educator; Teacher professional learning; Teaching of algebra; Early years of elementary school; Whole-group discussion

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Direitos autorais 2023 Miriam Criez Nobrega Ferreira, João Pedro Ponte, Alessandro Jacques Ribeiro

Licença Creative Commons
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