Ethnomathematical and Mathematical Connections Activated by a Teacher in Mathematical Problems Posing and Solving

Camilo Andrés Rodríguez-Nieto, Yeimer Carlos Escobar-Ramírez, Vicenç Font Moll, Armando Aroca Araújo


Background: Connections are essential for understanding concepts, but difficulties have been evidenced in connecting representations and meanings of concepts and creating contextualised mathematical problems by teachers and students. Objective: Therefore, ethnomathematical and mathematical connections were analysed in a teacher’s mathematical activity when posing and solving mathematical problems. Design: The methodology was qualitative-ethnographic, developed in a workshop done in stages. Setting and participants: An indigenous Mokaná teacher from Sibarco was selected. Data collection and analysis: Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the workshop, and the data were analysed based on the connections; the workshop was initially designed considering previous literature on the issue, and the researchers were familiarised with the teacher. Results: For the analysis of the mathematics used by the teacher in the classroom, we considered his sociocultural context, where he set problems about the area and perimeter of lots of land and enclosures. Then, the researchers presented the ethnomathematical connections that emerged in the elaboration and commercialisation of the pigeon peas sancocho, which was the basis for the teacher to pose and solve problems involving conversions between units of measurement, volume of the totumas (ellipsoid), etc. Simultaneously, mathematical connections of different representations, procedural, meaning, and modelling were identified. Finally, the researchers gave feedback by assessing the potential of the mathematics known and explained by the teacher. Conclusion: This research provides input for teachers to pose and solve problems contextualised through connections.


Ethnomathematical and mathematical connections; Problem posing and solving; Teacher; Mathematics education



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Direitos autorais 2023 Camilo Andrés Rodríguez-Nieto, Yeimer Carlos Escobar-Ramírez, Vicenç Font Moll, Armando Aroca Araújo

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