TPACK Model: Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Technological Competence When Conducting an Experimental Virtual Lesson in the Context of Covid-19

Yuri Morales-López, Ricardo Poveda-Vásquez


Background: One of the current concerns in the face of the changes and challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic is the quality of the education received in non-traditional environments such as virtual or hybrid teaching. Elements associated with this problem include the knowledge and skills that mathematics teachers use to work in these environments and to integrate them into mathematics education. Objectives: This investigation aimed to characterise the levels of technological competence self-perceived by mathematics teaching staff when planning and executing a virtual class. Design: A qualitative framework was used in an exploitative-descriptive approach. Setting and participants: This study is part of a doctoral research in which we sought to identify the knowledge demonstrated by three mathematics teachers when incorporating technology into a virtual class with 24 students. The TPACK model (domains and subdomains linked to technology) was used to achieve this. Data collection and analysis: The data was collected through an open-ended interview linked to the video recording of the class, and the analysis used was content analysis. Results: The main conclusion was that the teachers perceived the levels of their technological competence to be very high when implementing an experimental virtual class. Conclusions: It is suggested that their continuous professional development and, especially, having worked together in a team for several years is a possible factor that makes them feel more able to integrate technology in mathematics education.


Mathematics Education; synchronous virtual teaching; virtual lesson; TPACK; COVID-19.

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Direitos autorais 2022 Yuri Morales-López, Ricardo Poveda-Vásquez

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