Teachers’ Knowledge in the Post-2020 Technological Context: Theoretical Reflections for Teachers’ Education

Karla Jocelya Nonato, Nielce Meneguelo Lobo da Costa, Helenara Regina Sampaio de Figueiredo, Vera Monica Ribeiro


Background: The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about social, cultural, and educational changes. The isolation to which we were subjected has transformed how we see society, relate to each other, express emotions, and carry out schooling. Will the existing literature on teacher education, widely used in teacher education, be able to meet the “new normal”? Objective: This question and the scenario in which we live led us to relate the theoretical contributions to teacher training and analyse, considering the educational perspective and the technological knowledge necessary for the teacher’s work after 2020. Design: To this end, we undertook bibliographic research, with interpretive analysis. Results: After relating the theories of Shulman, Perrenoud, Imbernón, Nóvoa, Mishra, and Koehler, we found that the authors, each in their own way, highlight the relevance of continuing education and so teachers prepare to face the changes and integrate the DICT in their remote or face-to-face classes. The ruptures are part of the educational routine; it is up to the teacher, from their reflective practice, to rebuild their knowledge to meet the needs of the different scenarios today. Conclusions: Thus, the theoretical bases presented constitute practical bases for the teaching performance, since acting in uncertainty in the face of changes and ruptures in teaching and learning models, with the establishment of a new pedagogical composition, has implied reflections on teaching knowledge about teacher education processes.


Teacher education; DICT; Changes; Ruptures; Reflective practice

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.7319


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Direitos autorais 2022 Karla Jocelya Nonato, Nielce Meneguelo Lobo da Costa, Helenara Regina Sampaio de Figeiredo, Vera Monica Ribeiro

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