Peirce’s Semiotics: Use of Gestures as a Potential Semiotic Resource for Teaching Bohr’s Atom Model

Savana dos Anjos Freitas Donadello, Agostinho Serrano de Andrade Neto


Background: Gestures, seen through Peirce’s semiotics as semiotic resources, have the potential to be revealed as cornerstones for the teaching of physics and, in particular, for the teaching of Bohr’s atomic model. Initially, the semiotic perspective in the teaching process will be addressed and, subsequently, the role of gestures and non-verbal communication as a semiotic resource. Objective: To investigate the contribution of gestures as a potential semiotic resource in teaching Bohr’s atom model. Design: The principles of a qualitative study were observed. Setting and participants: Videos of a preparatory course for ENEM, in the subject of Physics, made by the secretary of education of the state of RS, Brazil, free of charge via the internet. Data collection and analysis: A total of seven hours of online classes of a preparatory course for ENEM are analysed. For the gestural microanalysis, episodes on Bohr’s atom were chosen, with two distinct episodes: the first on the photon and the second on energy levels. Results: From the research analysis carried out on signs within the Peircean framework, it is possible to infer that gestures have the potential to be used as a semiotic resource in the classroom. Conclusion: We found that gestures can be a potential semiotic resource in teaching Bohr’s atom model, as they can enable an articulation between different semiotic resources.


Semiotics; Gestures; Bohr’s atom; Science teaching

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Direitos autorais 2022 Savana dos Anjos Freitas, Agostinho Serrano de Andrade Neto

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