Context of Data and Uncertainty: One of the Challenges for Numeracy Provision in Elementary School Teacher Education

Suci Dewi Asmara, Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo


Background: Student numeracy reflects their interaction with the environment, especially with their teacher. Therefore, the formation of teacher numeracy must start from their education when in college. Objectives: This study explores the numeracy, which parts become limited or lacking, and what hinders and supports those skills. Design: This study employs an exploratory descriptive method and involves case studies to achieve the objectives. Setting and Participants: The research participant is 84 students of the department of elementary school education at one of the public universities in Indonesia, consisting of 3 classes: undergraduate, postgraduate, and postgraduate cooperation class. Data collection and analysis: Numeracy tests and semi-structured cognitive interviews are used to collect data. The test results were analyzed using descriptive statistics to see the numeracy profile, and essential parts were clarified in the discussion. Results: Our findings show that for all classes, statistics and probability became the content with the lowest achievement on this test. We also highlight that the undergraduate class become the best class based on the test results, followed by the regular postgraduate class and the postgraduate cooperation class. In other words, this study's teaching experience and level of education are not enough to help students solve numeracy problems. Conclusions: Data and uncertainly (quantitative) literacy must emphasize improvements and potential studies for subsequent researchers. The implications of our research are also focused on teacher education; numeracy provision should not only be noted on in-service teachers but also target their education in college.


Numeracy; elementary school education; teacher education.

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Direitos autorais 2023 Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo, Suci Dewi Asmara

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