The Construction of the Tower of Pisa as a Basis for Problem-Solving in the Exact Sciences and the Use of Interdisciplinarity in Teaching

Letícia Carolaine Silva Faria, Kaynara Trevisan, Rafael Bretas, Ihosvany Camps, Tales Alexandre Aversi-Ferreira


Background: Learning in exact sciences is a common problem for education in all countries. New education technologies are proposed to solve these situations, and using real problems in teaching is suggested. Objectives: This article associates Pólya’s problem-solving method with the real problems in the construction of the Tower of Pisa. Design: In this work, we propose a multidisciplinary approach to the history of the construction of the Tower of Pisa, related to the social, historical, geological, and mainly physics and engineering problems shown in this work. Setting and participants: The authors were responsible for elaborating and solving the proposed problems.   Data collection and analysis: The data used come from the history of the Leaning Tower of Pisa as a pedagogical basis for teaching, especially in the exact sciences. Results: Many problems and resolutions via Pólya’s problem-solving method were performed to show teaching possibilities to teachers and students. Conclusions: The Tower of Pisa theme can be used to implement new education technologies, such as modelling, problem-solving, and real-life problems, as it enriches school culture and attracts an inter-and multidisciplinary character to teaching, as shown through the proposed teaching in exact sciences examples.


Teaching; Problem-solving method; Tower of Pisa; Education, Pólya

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Direitos autorais 2022 Letícia Carolaine Silva Faria, Kaynara Trevisan, Rafael Bretas, Ihosvany Camps, Tales Alexandre Aversi-Ferreira

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