Engineering Education: Interdisciplinary Pedagogical Practices in Civil Engineering

Elias Antunes dos Santos, Marinez Cargnin-Stieler, Sergio Camargo


Background: Interdisciplinary pedagogical practices can enhance dialogues, including knowledge and possibilities to produce some impact on society and the labour world. Objectives: In general, students need practical activities involving their professional training area, and interdisciplinary pedagogical practices are described from a theoretical and practical perspective. Design: This research is based on studying documents produced by the students during ten semesters while studying physics in a civil engineering course. It is educational research of a qualitative nature with descriptive data. Setting and Participants: It presents the results of interdisciplinary pedagogical practices developed by students of the second and third semesters of the civil engineering course from 2015 to 2019 at the University of the State of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT). Data collection and analysis: The documents analysed were final reports, banners, photos, bulletin boards, teacher’s diaries, course plans, videos, and electronic mail. Among more than one hundred reports and banners, 24 reports were selected for this analysis. Results: When analysing the documents, it was possible to perceive that the students were involved in interdisciplinary pedagogical practices. Conclusions: After this analysis, we concluded that it is essential to bring together professors who teach classes in an undergraduate engineering course to involve students in interdisciplinary actions and reflect on this practice.


Engineering education; interdisciplinary pedagogical practices; Civil engineering; Pervious concrete; Physics teaching

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Direitos autorais 2023 Marinez Cargnin-Stieler, Elias Antunes dos Santos, Sergio Camargo

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