Geometry in the Curriculum Pedagogical Projects of Mathematics Degree Courses at Parana State Universities

Gabriela Daiani de Freitas, Kelly Roberta Mazzutti Lübeck, Marcos Lübeck


Background: Geometry is an important branch of mathematics and there are many arguments in favour of teaching it at all educational levels. Objectives: To analyse the pedagogical projects of the degree in mathematics courses (PPC) of Paraná state universities, to identify how geometry contents are organised for the degree students' education from the perspective of the current regulations. Design: Exploratory research developed from bibliographical and documentary studies, focused on the National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC), the Paraná Curriculum Reference (RCP) and the PPCs of several mathematics degree courses. Setting and participants: We examined the fifteen PPCs of the state universities of Paraná, obtained from the institutional websites or by email via course coordination. Data collection and analysis: We explored the resources and subsequently developed the categories based on the learning objectives of the BNCC, the RCP, and the regulations for initial teacher education courses, supporting the procedures mobilised on the content analysis. Results: We found that the geometry learning objectives in the regulations align with the profiles identified in the PPCs and the contents presented in their syllabuses. Conclusions: We admit the relevance of a complete and broad curriculum for the initial education of mathematics teachers. However, we believe it should not be imposed or inappropriate but the basis for qualifying good professionals who, in the future, will favour the development of students' capacities such as reflection, autonomy, and collaboration.


Geometry; BNCC; RCP; Pedagogical curriculum projects; Degree in mathematics

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Direitos autorais 2023 Gabriela Daiani de Freitas, Kelly Roberta Mazzutti Lübeck, Marcos Lübeck

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