Geometric Constructions in the Current Math Teacher Training Courses at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Mariana Duarte de Souza, Thiago Pedro Pinto


Background: Math teacher training in Brazil has been the subject of numerous studies under the most diverse approaches. From a historiographical perspective, we can highlight the performance of the Oral History and Mathematics Education Group and the History of Mathematics Education in the Research Group, both acting more directly with the narratives. Disciplines with the content of Geometric Constructions have historically been part of the training of Mathematics teachers. At issue in this text is the contribution of these disciplines to the formation of future teachers. Objective: This paper adds elements to mapping Mat teacher training and performance in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and in Brazil, expanding discussions about the state and the possible role of geometric disciplines in undergraduate courses. Design: We present the normative documents of such courses and disciplines and the narratives, in the end, comparing the relevant literature for their analysis based on the researchers' questions. Environment and participants: Courses of Math Teacher Training at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul – Brazil. The time frame of the research ranged from 2004 to 2019, the period in which the seven interviewees taught the subjects mentioned earlier. Data collection and analysis: The narratives of the interviewees, the teaching materials presented by them, and the normative documents are analyzed. Results: The narratives and pertinent literature allowed us a dispersive look, which turned outside the narratives themselves, having in them the triggering movement of reflections. Thus, we could produce questions and possible answers to such inquiries.  Conclusions: Among the final notes, the following stand out: the importance of these disciplines, identified as “basic” in the course, to recover Geometry contents that students should have studied in Basic Education; the relevance of failure as a stimulus for the study; and the choice of materials that focus on other aspects of geometry. Such subjects are often intended for the substitute teacher, and there is no prior training to work in this discipline with a specific focus on teacher training.


Teacher Training; Geometry; Oral History

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Direitos autorais 2023 Mariana Duarte de Souza, Thiago Pedro Pinto

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