Conception of Learning Objects with Feedback for Self-Regulation of Learning Mathematical Concepts Necessary for Differential and Integral Calculus

Alex Sandro de Castilho, André Luis Trevisan, Diego Marczal


Background: Due to the high failure rates in engineering courses, it is of fundamental importance to seek alternatives that minimise the difficulties that students entering Brazilian universities have in the disciplines of the area of mathematics. An alternative is to use learning objects (LO) that allow students to be aware of their errors and encourage them to formulate hypotheses and solve problem situations, aspects that are fundamental for the self-regulation of learning. Objectives: To present the conception and evaluation of an LO with feedback that allows the student to self-regulate their learning with regard to the concepts of mathematics necessary for differential and integral calculus. Design: The research is based on the design science research - DSR methodology. In the first stage, detailed in this article, we sought to present the relevance of the problem and the artefact’s design proposal and the first phase of assessing this design. Setting and Participants: The LO was submitted to an online assessment by seven mathematics teachers and two mathematics education researchers. Data collection and analysis: It was carried out through the transcription of the videos recorded during the assessment via Google Meet. Results: The experts pointed out the potentialities of the LO to diagnose and remedy/intervene before possible errors made by higher education newcomers. Conclusions: After the assessment, the artefact was restructured and improved following the specialists’ notes. The following steps of the research will be the implementation of the complete version of the Los, with questions that explore the strata of numerical, algebraic, and functional knowledge. We expect that the educational product of this research will help students with their mathematical difficulties in DIC.


Learning objects; Feedback; Learning self-regulation; Differential and integral calculus

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Direitos autorais 2023 Alex Sandro de Castilho, André Luis Trevisan, Diego Marczal

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