Development of the Pre-Service Teachers’ Mathematics Identity Instrument (P-STMI)

Annisa Dwi Kurniawati, Dwi Juniati, Abadi Abadi


Background: The urgency of knowledge of mathematical identity is one of the reasons for increasing numbers of research on mathematical identity. Knowing pre-service mathematics teachers' mathematical identity becomes essential and needs to be done using valid mathematical identity instruments. Mathematical identity instruments can reveal one's mathematical identity, contributing to learning and teaching mathematics. However, mathematical identity instruments have not been widely developed, especially for pre-service mathematics teachers. Objectives : This research aims to develop valid and reliable mathematical identity instruments for pre-service mathematics teachers. Design : This research used scale-development research using the DeVellis model.Setting and Participants : 196 pre-service mathematics teachers from 7 universities in Indonesia were involved in piloting test. Data collection and analysis : The questionnaire instrument was distributed via google form and analyzed for content validity, construct validity, and reliability. The data analysis used the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) method to test the construct validity. Results : The Pre-Service Teachers' Mathematics Identity Instrument (P-STMI) contains 18 closed questions with five components. In addition, the instrument meets the criteria for content validity with a range between 0.79-1.00, meets construct validity, and the overall reliability value is 0.91. Conclusions: The P-STMI satisfies content validity, construct validity, and reliability. Therefore, the P-STMI is valid and reliable and can be used to see the mathematical identity of pre-service mathematics teachers.


Mathematics Identity; Instrument Development; Pre-service mathematics Teacher.

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Direitos autorais 2022 Dwi Juniati, Annisa Dwi Kurniawati, Abadi Abadi

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