The Concept of Randomness in Chilean Primary School Textbooks
Background: Randomness is a fundamental concept in the formation of citizens because it intervenes in various daily life situations. In addition, it is present in the school curriculum of various countries, such as Chile. Objective: To analyse the teaching of the concept of randomness in primary education mathematics textbooks in Chile. Design: The research uses a qualitative methodology and uses the content-analysis method. Setting and participants: 42 textbooks were analysed, including student texts and activity logs. Data collection and analysis: Through content analysis, the sections and segments of the textbooks in which the concept of randomness intervenes are studied, relating them to definitions, problem situations, cognitive levels that should be developed, and the use of technological tools. Results: The concept of randomness is introduced through random games and concepts associated with random experiment, chance, random, and sample space, without delving into the definition of some cardinal concepts such as chance and randomness. Conclusions: The textbooks partially conform to the Chilean curricular guidelines. In addition, activities related to the concept of randomness generally refer to the use of physical devices and, on a small scale, to the use of technological tools. Finally, the textbooks present a small number of problem situations with an adequate cognitive level that favours the development of skills necessary for primary education students’ acquisition of probabilistic thinking.
Textbook; Primary education; Mathematics; Statistics; Randomness
- Não há apontamentos.
Direitos autorais 2023 Francisco Rodríguez-Alveal, Maitere Aguerrea, Danilo Diaz-Levicoy

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