The perspective of public schools mathematics teachers on their knowledge and teaching practice in connection with the BNCC

Gilsimar Francisco de Souza, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes


Background: The curricular structure of Brazilian basic education has changed in recent years. With the promulgation of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for elementary and high school education, there is a need to change the curricula of state and municipal networks, which takes place precisely with the actual implementation in schools. Objective: To understand the view of mathematics teachers on capacity and knowledge they must have for the effective application of the BNCC in the classroom considering all the requirements, especially the skills and competencies that contemplate the curricular base. Design: Applied work, with quantitative bias, as the work presents statistical analyses. Setting and participants: Twenty-four high school mathematics teachers of the state network of the municipality of Itumbiara-GO. Data collection and analysis: Questionnaire applied to mathematics teachers, with percentage and inferential analyses such as Cronbach’s Alpha and correlation test. Results: The teachers believe that they know well the specific competencies and skills required in mathematics and its technologies, but they do not know well other areas of the BNCC and feel very insecure about applying these concepts in class. Conclusions: We noticed that the teachers play a fundamental role in implementing the BNCC in schools successfully, requiring pedagogical support such as formative courses and teaching materials to help correct the knowledge gaps they have for that task.


BNCC; Competencies and skills; Mathematics teachers; Teachers’ perception

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Direitos autorais 2021 Gilsimar Francisco de Souza, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes

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