Ontosemiotic Analysis of the Use of Multibase Material in Mathematics Textbooks for Primary Education in Chile

Lizzet Morales-Garcia, Danilo Díaz-Levicoy


Background: The multibase material is a widely used and recommended resource for mathematics teaching in the first school grades, given its potential in learning numerical concepts. For this reason, we consider analysing the proposal suggested in the textbooks on its use in primary education. Objective: To analyse the use of multibase material in the teaching of mathematics in primary education in Chile. Design: A qualitative methodology of exploratory-descriptive level is followed. Setting and Participants: Sample made up of 12 math textbooks. Data collection and analysis: The levels of analysis of mathematical activity and the construct epistemic configuration of primary objects, theoretical and methodological elements of the Onto-Semiotic-Approach (OSA) were used. Results: Multibase blocks are used to 1) indicate the cardinality of a set; 2) explain a procedure; 3) explain a concept; 4) represent a number, and 5) compare numbers. Conclusions: The analysis of the textbooks allowed us to identify how the multibase material is used in primary education. This information can serve the teachers in service to enhance their use in the instructional process.


Multibase blocks; Textbooks; Epistemic configuration; Primary education; Onto-semiotic approach

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.6807


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Direitos autorais 2022 Lizzet Morales-Garcia, Danilo Díaz-Levicoy

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