Modelling Improper Integrals, a Case Study

Enrique Mateus-Nieves, Wilfaver Hernández Montañez


Background: University students show little clarity in applying content related to improper integrals due to a lack of meaning that does not allow them to connect them with the environment and everyday life problems. Objective: To recognise improper integrals as a mathematical tool with multiple applications inside and outside mathematics. Design: Qualitative action research. Setting and participants: University engineering students. Data collection and analysis: A proposal was designed and applied to articulate mathematical modelling by using software, where a sequence of ten selected situations involving this type of integrals was experimented and solved. Results: The importance of modelling as a didactic-dynamic resource is highlighted because it helps students to reach and understand real situations involving improper integrals in different contexts. Conclusions:  Despite the numerous errors detected in the students, this strategy made it possible to demonstrate that they developed mathematical competencies, which was manifested in the progress of advanced mathematical thinking skills.


Integrales impropias, Modelización matemática



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Direitos autorais 2022 Enrique Mateus-Nieves, Wilfaver Hernández Montañez

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