Characterisation of Probability Learning in a Rural Environment with the Realistic Mathematics Education

Carolina Méndez-Parra, Robinson Junior Conde-Carmona, Ivan Andrés Padilla-Escorcia


Background: As statistics has pragmatic effects in other sectors, this work argues for proposing teaching-learning strategies based on real situations. Objectives: Characterise probability learning in a rural environment with realistic mathematics education. Design: Of a qualitative nature with an action-participatory research design, through five methodological phases. Setting and participants: Students from rural areas of the department of Córdoba-Colombia, the mathematics education teacher of that department, and the research group. Data collection and analysis: The qualitative data were grouped into categories of realistic mathematics education. Results: The research revealed that the students present interpretive, theoretical, and algorithmic difficulties. It also highlighted that realistic mathematics education reflects human activity in the statistical learning process. Conclusions: The contextualised problems allow students to reach meaningful knowledge. Besides, the teacher cooperates in formalising learning due to its structuring, systematisation, and regularisation under the realistic mathematics education criteria.


Context; Statistical education; Realistic mathematics; Random thinking



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Direitos autorais 2022 Carolina Méndez-Parra, Robinson Junior Conde-Carmona, Ivan Andrés Padilla-Escorcia

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eISSN: 2178-7727


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