Understanding the Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of mathematics teachers as a possibility for reflection on the use of educational technology.

Luciene A. Cardoso Valle, Gildo Girotto Junior


Background: The broader access to technological resources, combined with pedagogical practices implementation, shows the need of continuing education of teachers on Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT). Recognizing the knowledge that professionals need in their work is a path that allows the evaluation and creation of training measures. Objectives: Considering the Pedagogical and Technological Content Knowledge (TPACK) as a reference, we sought to investigate the professional knowledge of mathematics teachers about digital technological resources and their possible incorporation in pedagogical practices. Design: A qualitative research was carried out. Setting and Participants: Mathematics teachers working in high school, technical and higher education who participated in a short-term training proposal. Data collection and analysis: The research was based on meetings with mathematics teachers, in which the use of resources was discussed and lesson plans were elaborated; they were, then, followed up in a real scenario. Specific instruments, lesson plans, audiovisual records, and interviews were analyzed by Textual Discursive Analysis (TDA), provided evidence about teachers’ use of resources. Results: Different professional knowledge linked to TPACK were recognized at different levels and some factors such as professional experience and technological appropriation proved to be influential. Conclusions: In addition to the possibility of recognizing professional knowledge, it was noted that a specific character under the interpretation of TPACK recognizes such knowledge even in teachers with a low level of technology appropriation, which allowed reflections on the construct itself and its possible correlations with the Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK).


Conhecimento Tecnológico Pedagógico do Conteúdo; Conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo; Tecnologias Educacionais; Treinamento de professor.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.6695


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Direitos autorais 2021 Luciene A. Cardoso Valle, Gildo Girotto Junior

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