Subjectivities in curricular practices in Mathematics in Youth and Adult Education

Adriano Vargas Freitas, Eliane Lopes Werneck de Andrade, Francisco Josimar Ricardo Xavier


Background: The curriculum practices, especially those related to Mathematics, developed in EJA, can exert a strong influence on the students' sentiment of self-efficacy and, in turn, influence the cognitive processing of mathematical knowledge. Objective: To investigate which meanings of curricular practices in Mathematics are subjectived by EJA teachers. Design: Narratives of 5 teachers who work at EJA, whose data collection was through interviews.  Environmente and participants: The research took place in a rural municipal public school located in a city in the interior of Ceará. Data collection and analysis: Textual Discursive Analysis. Results: The curricular practices developed in EJA, especially those related to mathematics, can exert a strong influence on the student's sentiment of self-efficacy and influence their cognitive processing of mathematical knowledge. The moments of collective pedagogical planning and training influence the selection of curriculum content and teaching materials, guiding the construction of the teachers' curricular practices, influencing the construction of their subjectivities, in a permanent relationship between subjects who interact and confront each other from different ways for their pedagogical work, including the support they seek from their peers. Conclusions: Thinking about the subjectivities of the actors involved in EJA should mean turning the attention to the teaching and learning processes, which encompass a range of diversities of social groups with very different cultures, expectations, ages and interests, meaning greater attention to production and implementation of appropriate curricula and teaching for these groups of students, considering their cultures, experiences and previous experiences.


Youth and Adult Education; Mathematical curricular practices; Subjectivities; Narratives of teachers

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Direitos autorais 2021 Adriano Vargas Freitas, Eliane Lopes Werneck de Andrade, Francisco Josimar Ricardo Xavier

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