Primary School Teachers’ Identity in Mathematics: The Aspect of Specialist Teaching and Learning

A. Wilda Indra Nanna, Enditiyas Pratiwi, Dian Kurniati, Sharifah Osman


Background: Identity is closely related to the professional development of teachers in teaching and learning. Teachers of primary school do not have only one identity, because they work as class teachers. Mathematics is one of the school subjects taught, so that primary school teachers also have a mathematical identity in the teaching and learning that they do. Objectives: This study aims to explain the teaching and learning aspects of primary school teachers, as seen from their mathematical identity. Design: This type of research was qualitative by employing an explanatory approach. Setting and Participants: Forty-six teachers who concluded the Primary Teacher Education, who work as in-service teachers at a primary school in Tarakan city, grouped into three types: turning point, failing, and roller coaster. Data collection and analysis: The data collection used an open question questionnaire, and the data reduction process took into account the type of teacher and mathematical identity. In-depth interviews with six primary school teachers representing types were conducted as a triangulation process. Results: Based on the mathematics identity of the teacher, there are three findings in implementing teaching and learning, specifically: (a) hesitation in mathematics knowledge (b) teaching mathematics because it is fun versus it is part of the duty of primary school teachers, and (c) support for teaching mathematics. Conclusions: We suggest that a teacher professional development strategy based on mathematics learning is needed, such as group learning activities, especially mathematics. Further research is needed to see the identity of primary school teachers in classroom practices and their changes.


Mathematics; Identity; Teaching; Learning; Teacher.

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Direitos autorais 2021 A. Wilda Indra Nanna, Enditiyas Pratiwi, Dian Kurniati, Sharifah Osman

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