Academic Performance and Perceptions Regarding the Flipped Classroom Strategy in the Subject of Human Anatomy

Camila Maria Bandeira Scheunemann, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes


Background: The flipped classroom is considered an initial path to introduce blended learning; however, studies on this strategy are incipient in the discipline of Human Anatomy. Objective: To analyse the impact of the flipped classroom on the performance of Human Anatomy students in health courses and their perceptions regarding the learning process. Design: It is characterised as a mixed approach case study. Setting and Participants: Two groups of Human Anatomy students from courses in the health area of a university in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS. Data collection and analysis: Flipped classes were held, with digital hypertexts as prior material and application activities in the face-to-face stage. Data were collected by questionnaires and analysed by the scores of answers and McNemar's statistical test (quantitative) and by content analysis (qualitative). Results: The results showed statistical significance in the dichotomous questions in relation to performance. As for the perceptions, there was agreement on the aid of the flipped classroom for learning in the two groups. It was also observed that the perceptions regarding the understanding of the content became more satisfactory as the classes evolved. Conclusions: The flipped classroom was presented as a potential strategy in teaching and learning in the subject matter of human anatomy in the investigated context.


Flipped classroom; Human anatomy; Teaching and learning; University Education, Blended learning.

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Direitos autorais 2022 Camila Maria Bandeira Scheunemann, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes

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