Textbook: an Analysis in the Light of the Ontosemiotic Focus on Rational Numbers

Patricia Pujol Goulart Carpes, Eleni Bisognin


Background: Many teachers consider the textbook the primary guide for the curriculum materialisation. This work analyses the content of the rational numbers in a textbook used in the 7th-grade of elementary school. For this analysis, the theoretical and methodological tools of the Ontosemiotic Approach to Knowledge and Mathematical Instruction (OSA) are used. Objective: Our goal was to understand the level of didactic suitability of the instruction process in the textbook. Design and setting: Thus, we analysed a section of the textbook about rational numbers using the categories described by OSA. Concepts, procedures, problem situations, definitions and arguments used by the authors were also analysed. Results: From the results obtained, we could infer that there are examples of the concepts worked in class, but without the proper definitions and arguments, hindering generalisation. The analysis also allowed us to highlight didactic-mathematical knowledge that can guide the teacher concerning the textbooks' possibilities and limitations, to achieve more didactic suitability in the process of teaching and learning rational numbers. Conclusions: the book under study should not be considered as planning for an instructional process to meet the current curriculum guidelines.


Textbook, Rational numbers, Onto-semiotic approach

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.5973


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Direitos autorais 2020 Patricia Pujol Goulart Carpes, Eleni Bisognin

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