Pisa 2021: Knowledge of Computational Logic in the Mathematics Exam

Fernanda Schuck Sápiras, Arno Bayer


Background: the model question that will be present in the PISA 2021 exam, with the insertion of knowledge related to programming logic in the test that re-analyses mathematical literacy, may not effectively assess the students' potential mathematical knowledge, as students are led to solving the question by using the data presented in its statement. Objectives: to analyse a model question that will be present in the new form of evaluation of PISA 2021 regarding the insertion of integrated programming logic with the different literacies. Design: we assume a qualitative study, with exploratory and explanatory research, when it incorporates elements of two investigative designs: bibliographic and documentary research. Setting and Participants: the study was developed based on model questions from PISA 2021 provided by the OECD. Data collection and analysis: the question of PISA 2021 is organised with increasing difficulty and the analysis observes how we understand that the result of questions of a programming logic nature in the Mathematics assessment is moving towards the insertion of a new literacy in the assessed role: Digital Literacy. Results: we highlighted three levels of knowledge of programming logic, with emphasis on the imperative paradigm, used for the design of resolution: recognition of patterns, structures of logical controls and representation by variables. Conclusions: we conclude the students need to be able to assess and use the information critically if they want to turn it into knowledge, recognising patterns and inferring a critical position as to its consequences, aspects that cover what we understand as Digital Literacy.


PISA; External Evaluation; Digital Literacy; Programming Logic; Computational Thinking

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.5817


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Direitos autorais 2020 Fernanda Schuck Sápiras, Arno Bayer

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