Flipped Classroom in Human Anatomy Teaching and Learning: Performance Analysis and Perceptions of Health Academics

Camila Maria Bandeira Scheunemann, Caroline Medeiros Martins de Almeida, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes


Contemporary pedagogical practices have undergone restructuring and paradigm shifts; in this scenario, hybrid teaching emerged, which has as one of its modalities the flipped classroom. This study, of a mixed and exploratory nature, the objective was to investigate the impact of the flipped classroom on academic performance in human anatomy and the students' perceptions of this methodology in their teaching and learning in this discipline. Participants were human anatomy students from health courses at a private university in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre/RS. A didactic intervention was carried out through the flipped classroom methodology, including the study of the urinary and reproductive systems, where the previous material was made available through two digital hypertexts and in the classroom, digital albums were built. Data were collected through pre and post-test questionnaires, with open questions or Likert scale and analyzed through response scores and content analysis. Participants demonstrated better post-test performance by providing more insight into related content. As for the perceptions, they highlighted the contribution of the flipped classroom to their learning and emphasized as their main positive points their contribution to learning, understanding and memorization, as well as allowing greater interaction and cooperation among colleagues. The most salient negative points were the lack of teacher exposure and the permanence of doubts.


flipped classroom; teaching and learning; human anatomy; hybrid teaching

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.5643


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Direitos autorais 2020 Camila Maria Bandeira Scheunemann, Caroline Medeiros Martins de Almeida, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes

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