Mathematical Forms in the Look about the Human Body: Thought, Technique, Art and Education

Mônica Maria Kerscher, Cláudia Regina Flores


This article is an analytical exercise on a way of thinking in which mathematics operates in the ways of representing and speaking about human body drawing. With a problematic attitude, one asks: how and where does a technique that colonize ways of representing and looking at the body in art and math activities in the classroom come from? This means analysing a modulation of look and thinking that organizes the imagetic representation of the human body, shapes the image, and orders thought, in which mathematics operates as the agent and effect of a mode of colonization. Therefore, it takes different ways of representing the body in art history, operating in a theoretical-methodological movement, with “the perspective of visuality for visualization in Mathematical Education”. Thus, other possibilities of (re) thinking with images are raised, analysing them under the bias of a decolonial mathematical thought, that is, a thought that questions and denounces the effects of truth and the hegemonic mathematical visualities. From this, then reinventing itself to re-exist in Mathematical Education.


Mathematics Education; Mathematics and Art; Mathematical thinking; Drawing of the body; Decoloniality

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Direitos autorais 2020 Mônica Maria Kerscher, Cláudia Regina Flores

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