Mathematics teachers’ learning on Exploratory Teaching: analysis of a Multimedia Case in a Community of Practice

Cristina Cirino de Jesus, Marcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino, Hélia Margarida de Oliveira


This article aim is to investigate what professional learning regarding Exploratory Teaching (ET) perspective was revealed by Mathematics teachers, in a Community of Practice (CoP). In a context intended to promote teachers’ professional development, a multimedia resource integrating real classroom situations was used to promote discussion and learning. Qualitative research has been carried out with an audio recording of the group meetings and the written productions elaborated by the teachers. The learning related to the Exploratory Teaching perspective revealed by the teachers is associated to the actions and roles of the teacher, the student’s role, classroom management and the relevance of lesson planning in teacher’s practice. The involvement in the CoP favored teachers to rethink and question some of their actions during the lessons and to notice essential aspects of ET perspective and to connect them with their experiences from the classroom. The results show that the constitution of a CoP around the exploration of a multimedia case in professional development contexts can be a facilitator for the learning of its members.


Exploratory Teaching; Mathematics Teacher Education; Community of Practice; Social Theory of Learning; Multimedia case

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Direitos autorais 2020 Cristina Cirino de Jesus, Marcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino, Hélia Margarida de Oliveira

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