The Inclusion of People with Disabilities in the Labor Market: an Experience with Active Methodologies

Marlise Geller, Livia Ferreira Paim da Silva


The present research highlights the snippet of a master’s dissertation executed with people with disabilities inserted in the Young Apprentice Program. With the intent of investigating how participants (re)articulate mathematical knowledge in situations related to the labor market, a Learning Laboratory was used for the fulfillment of simulated and practical activities, opportuning learning and experience. The qualitative approach was chosen for the data collection because it allows greater proximity and particular details of the participants. Thus it was divided into 3 phases: the moment of investigation of the previous mathematical knowledge, the organization with the price setting, the exhibition, and sales strategies and the experience to accompany the work routine in the Learning Lab. With the interactions, the existence of mathematical knowledge conceptualized in different ways was identified, allowing greater autonomy and involvement of all with the proposed activities, in the same way, that the potential of each person was emphasized involving the different knowledge that can be articulated for the labor market.


Mathematical Education; Professional Education; Inclusive Education; Disabled Person.

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Direitos autorais 2019 Marlise Geller, Livia Ferreira Paim da Silva

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