Problems and the history of mathematics education: A proposal for the continued teacher training

Andreia Fernandes de Souza, Luciane de Fatima Bertini, Alan Marcos Silva de Rezende


This text is about a continued teacher training which aim was to use the history of mathematics education like a leading to problematize the use of problems to teach mathematics and the relation with the proposes of teach in different moments (historical and actual) and the changes and continuities over time. For this, as a start point,  articles of pedagogical journal and textbooks from the last and present century were used to talking about the problems. After the meetings, we can conclude that the continued teacher training was a favourable environment to discuss and to think about the role of the teacher. The problematization in the perspective of the history of mathematical education was a possibility found to approximate the academic knowledge and the school culture; this contributed to the denaturalisation of the daily practices of the teacher, understanding that is not something immediate but a process. If we think in a metaphor, the idea is that paying attention to how the trains arrive at station gives us the possibility to see the different paths it has travelled and obtain a better understanding of its arrival.


Mathematical problems; Teacher training; History of mathematics education

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Direitos autorais 2019 Andreia Fernandes de Souza, Luciane de Fatima Bertini, Alan Marcos Silva de Rezende

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