Algebra in Teacher Training in the Normal School of São Paulo: The First Teaching Programs of this Discipline

Ana Maria Basei, Wagner Rodrigues Valente


This text presents partial results of a research in development that aims to identify the purposes of Algebra in the formation of teachers in the Normal School of São Paulo, from 1880 to 1930. In this text, in particular, it is considered a specific period of time frame of research: mid-1890s; and in order to analyse the first programs of this discipline for the training of primary teachers, documents such as legislation, a compendium of Algebra and programs of teaching of the normal and secondary course are mobilized. It was found that in this period the teaching of Algebra for the future teacher was more restricted than that offered in the secondary course. This reduced format of the regular school program may be associated with the duration of normal course studies, lower than the secondary course, but mainly, for the different purposes of the courses.


teacher training; normal school; algebra; teaching program; compendium

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Direitos autorais 2019 Ana Maria Basei, Wagner Rodrigues Valente

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