The Differential and Integral Calculus as a Professional Knowledge in the Training of the Graduate in Mathematics of the Faculty of Philosophy of Bahia (1942-1968)

Eliene Barbosa Lima


This article was carried out within the scope of the research project entitled "Weaving the historical process of teacher professionalization, in the scope of mathematics, in its different levels of formation in Bahia, from 1925 to the 1980s". In it, we investigated historically the differential and integral calculus as a professional knowledge for the teaching of mathematics in basic school, in the formation of future mathematics teachers, in the period of 1942 – beginning of the operation of the mathematics course – until 1968, when that course was transferred to the Institute of Mathematics of the Federal University of Bahia, due to a university reform.  In this intent, we made use, mainly, of the teaching programs of the chair of mathematical analysis, the current literature on the processes of professionalization of the mathematics teacher, as well as a theoretical-methodological debate involving the constitution of professional knowledge of teaching. With this investigation, we considered that the professional knowledge required in the mathematical analysis chair dealt with the knowledge to be taught that was intended for the teaching of mathematics in the secondary, which should be mastered by the training mathematics teachers of the Faculty of Philosophy. From this perspective, professional knowledge in this formation did not differ from that objectified and institutionalised to be taught in the mathematics discipline of secondary schools. In sum, the differential and integral calculus taught in the mathematics teacher training course in of the Faculty of Philosophy corresponded to the same calculation to be taught in the secondary.


Differential and integral calculus; Professional Knowledge for Teaching; Faculty of Philosophy of Bahia; Story

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Direitos autorais 2019 Eliene Barbosa Lima

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