Researches about curves sketching on the perspective of global interpretation of figural units focusing on high school

Bárbara Cristina Pasa, Méricles Thadeu Moretti


A teaching approach based on the global interpretation of figurative properties prioritizes the curve sketching and understanding from the conversions among algebraic, graphical and linguistic registers, more precisely the identification of basic units (graphical, symbolic and linguistic) and the verification of how they related with each other. Raymond Duval presents this approach in an outline work of a related linear function using a resource for the global interpretation of the parameters of the algebraic expression: , emphasizing the relationship between these parameters and the graphical visual variables: inclination direction, tracing angles with the axes, and tracing position relatively to the vertical axis origin. Other authors have proposed works under this perspective with a focus on High School. Among them: Moretti (2003), for the quadratic function; Silva (2008), for the exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions; Menoncini & Moretti (2017), for the modular function; Martins (2017), for curves whose expressions are in parametric form; Moretti, Ferraz & Ferreira (2008), for more complex functions of college teaching; and Pasa (2017), for polynomial functions of the second and third degree. In this article, we present these works, complementing Pasa & Moretti (2016), presenting the resources used in each of them that allow changing verifications which the graph changes generates in the algebraic expression and vice versa and the identification of the visual variables and units related to the modifications.


Curve outline; Global interpretation of figurative properties; High school

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Direitos autorais 2019 Bárbara Cristina Pasa, Méricles Thadeu Moretti

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