The design of statements and the (re)formulation and resolution of open problems that address issues of social relevance with the use of digital technologies in the initial formation of Mathematics teachers

Fabiane Fischer Figueiredo, Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald


This paper presents the results obtained with an investigation, in which a pair of Mathematics graduates, participants of an Extension Course, carried out the design of a statement of open problems. This investigation also addressed a theme of social relevance, in which technologies were used so that these problems were (re)formulated and solved, with the use of technological resources, by students of Basic Education. In order for this objective to be achieved, the training teachers carried out the design activities of problems with the use of digital technologies, planning of the pedagogical practice, in which these problems would be proposed, and of execution of this practice, which occurred through a pedagogical workshop. After completing these activities, the graduates had the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the experiences of designer and teacher, so that they contributed to producing knowledge about the design of open problem statements that address issues of social relevance, (re)formulation and resolution using digital technologies, and how to propose such problems.


Design of statements; (re)formulation and problem-solving; digital technologies; initial teacher training in Mathematics

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Direitos autorais 2019 Fabiane Fischer Figueiredo, Claudia Lisete Oliveira Groenwald

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