Teacher Action, Student Action and its Connections in Mathematics Classes Planned with Manipulative Materials

Mariana Passos Dias, Sergio de Mello Arruda, Marinez Meneghello Passos


This article describes the results of an investigation that sought to characterize the teacher and student actions, as well as their connections, in mathematical classes planned with manipulative materials. Data were collected through video, audio, and field notes and analysed according the procedures of Content Analysis. Fourteen categories were obtained for the teacher action: Threaten; Argue; Get Attention; Move; Write; Wait; Explain; Organize; Request; Ask; Provide; Disapprove; Answer; Supervise, and fourteen categories for the student action: Play; Call the teacher; Collaborate; Comment; Communicate; Talk; Copy; Move; Run; Request; Ask; Complain; Answer; Value. The results pointed out that the action Disapprove, which occurred when a student anticipates the procedures without the teacher indicating what was to be done and the action Supervise, which occurred at various moments, including during drawing, using scissors, and the pasting process, seem to be more appropriate for classes planned with manipulative materials. Regarding the connections between the teacher action and the student action, it was possible to identify three types that we call simple, multiple and random. We also noticed that these types of connections varied according to the moment of the class and/or stage.


teacher action; student action; mathematics classes; manipulative materials

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.4994


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Direitos autorais 2020 Mariana Passos Dias, Sergio de Mello Arruda, Marinez Meneghello Passos

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