Teachers’ Interactions with Curriculum Materials in Mathematics Education

Gilberto Januario, Ana Lúcia Manrique


From the 1990s, teachers have been provided with a considerable number of materials produced and distributed by different governments to develop a mathematics curriculum to perform as curriculum implementers and promote the mathematical reform of different teaching systems. These resources have been researching tools. However, the types of use that teachers make of them are still little explored. In this article, we present the results of a study that aimed to understand the relationship between teacher-curriculum materials in the area of mathematics education, which takes discussions about teaching competencies of curriculum design as theoretical contributions. The research analysed a research report, and meta-analysis was the methodology adopted. The results indicate that affordances and constraints qualify the materials and potentiate the agency and its displacement, both for teachers and for materials, thus imparting different interactions between these two agents of curriculum development in mathematics.


Curriculum Materials; Teacher-Curriculum Materials Relationship; Mathematics Curriculum; Mathematics Education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.v21iss3id4993


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Direitos autorais 2019 Gilberto Januario, Ana Lúcia Manrique

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