Dimensions of Science Learning: a study on PISA test questions involving chemistry content

Fabiele Cristiane Dias Broietti, Paulo dos Santos Nora, Sandro Lucas Reis Costa


In this article we discuss the potential of certain questions from PISA to engage students in specific scientific dimensions. The guiding question for the research is: What Dimensions of Scientific Learning, described in the NRC (2012), can be identified in questions that address the chemical contents of the PISA Science test? Thus, we analyze the questions seeking to identify the Scientific Practices, Crosscutting Concepts and Disciplinary Central Ideas. The research is predominantly qualitative and the analysis of the data was based on the procedures of content analysis. A total of 59 questions were analyzed with the aid of the Atlas software. From the analysis, some clusters were attempted to configure such dimensions. The following results are highlighted: the most identified scientific practices in the analyzed questions were analyzing and interpreting data (SP4) and constructing explanations (SP6). The most identified crosscutting concept was: cause and effect - mechanism and prediction (CC2). And as for the third dimension – disciplinary core ideas - we highlight the higher incidence of the physical sciences (DCI1) that deals with topics envolving matter and its interactions. We highlight the potential of PISA items to involve students in specific scientific dimensions; in addition, we consider that this study brings contributions to teachers in the scientific areas, since recognizing the dimensions can guide their actions in the classroom, aiming at teaching that favors scientific literacy.


Chemistry. PISA. Scientific Literacy. Scientific Practice

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.v21iss1id4947


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Direitos autorais 2019 Fabiele Cristiane Dias Broietti, Paulo dos Santos Nora, Sandro Lucas Reis Costa

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