Electronic Didactic Sequences to assist in the Process of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Brazil and Portugal

Caroline Medeiros Martins de Almeida, Maria João dos Santos, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes


Searching for an active form of student learning using electronic didactic sequences with metacognitive tools can help them become increasingly self-regulating and facilitate the occurrence of meaningful learning. In this context, this article presents a thesis that aimed to investigate the possible contributions of electronic didactic sequences with metacognitive tools, using Digital Technologies in the academic performance and significant learning of students of Higher Education in Brazil and Portugal. The type of research was the case study, involving situations of study of multiple cases. A total of 156 students from two universities, a private Brazilian university and a Portuguese public university participated in the study. The students participated in the research in different ways, according to their presence in the classes and participation in the activities. The data collected for analysis were: class mapping questionnaires, previous knowledge assessment, students' participation in activities, evidence notes, conceptual maps and questionnaires of reflexive activity. The data analysis of the questionnaires was based on descriptive statistics, the evaluation of the academic performance was based on the notes, and the conceptual maps were categorized. We observed that these sequences increase the students' study time, since they do not have the habit of studying many hours during the week. The results suggest an improvement in the academic performance, since the students who passed through the activities had a good income in the evaluations.


Digital technologies;Higher education; Meaningful Learning; Following teaching.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.v20iss5id4822


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Direitos autorais 2018 Caroline Medeiros Martins de Almeida, Maria João dos Santos, Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes

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