Weaving Teaching Situations in Environmental Education Seeking Sustainability in the Cerrado

Aline Ferreira dos Santos Arruda, Maria Eloisa Farias, Myriam Garbouj


The didactic situations elaborated with teaching and learning strategies that are significant can contemplate the construction of skills and competencies present in the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC). This article aims to present a part of the Didactic Situations focused on Environmental Education for Sustainability in the Cerrado, developed in a public school in Goiás. The methodological procedures used are part of qualitative and descriptive research. Data collection involved 160 students and 10 elementary school teachers. The data collection instruments used were periodic meetings for study, application of semi structured questionnaires and analysis of five didactic situations elaborated and developed by the group of teachers. In the evaluation of the project the participating students cited as educational activities: planting of seedlings 39%, collecting garbage 25%, lecture 13%, recycling 10%, project environment 7% and 6% respect the next. In this sense, the objectives of this study were achieved. It was possible to perceive that the Didactic Situations worked playfully, using different teaching strategies, contributed positively to the construction of students' knowledge as well as their ways of exposing and socialising the contents of Environmental Education explored in the Cerrado.


Teaching Learning Process; Educational Situations in the Cerrado; Environmental studies; Environmental Education for Sustainability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.v20iss6id4799


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Direitos autorais 2018 Aline Ferreira dos Santos Arruda, Maria Eloisa Farias, Myriam Garbouj

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