Educational practices in Science-Technology-Society and the Social Participation in the Scientific-Technological Development

Daniel Marsango, Taís Regina Hansen, Carla Polanczky, Rosemar Ayres dos Santos


The STS movement, which emerged in embryonic in the middle of last century and made over the decades, remains relevant to the society we live in. Thus, it is recurrent the need for a participation of this society in the direction given to the scientific and technological activity, demanding more democratic decisions. In this sense the research is based on the questionings: what is the characterization of educational practices carried out in STS field in Basic Education and in teacher training?; And, as has been the participation of society in scientific and technological development? As objectives, we seek: (i) identify which subjects have participated in decision-making on scientific and technological development, and how; (ii) analyze data referrals in respect of educational practices STS; (iii) to investigate whether the STS assumptions are advancing the Academy to implement educational practices; (iv) to point out horizons for Science Education in the perspective of curricular settings guided by the constitution of a culture of participation. It is a bibliographical research whose methodology was the Discursive Textual Analysis, composed of unitarization, categorization and communication. The corpus of analysis emerged four categories: 1) Limitations practices STS implemented; 2) Methodological aspects of practicas STS; 3) Social participation in the development of ST in classrooms; 4) Justifications for insertion of STS practices.


STS movement; Social participation; Educational practices; Scientific and technological development

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Direitos autorais 2019 Daniel Marsango, Taís Regina Hansen, Carla Polanczky, Rosemar Ayres dos Santos

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