Epistemological Contributions Derived from an Investigative Method in an Experimental Class in the Study of Hooke's Law

Osmar Henrique Moura Silva, Carlos Eduardo Laburú, Sérgio Camargo, Airton Acácio Castilho Christófalo


Insofar as the students' conceptions of the nature of science are by the educator's conduct about the construction of scientific knowledge and thus can be modeled even subconsciously in the classroom environment, it becomes imperative cautious adoption of methodologies with epistemological visions related explicitly or implicitly. For this reason, this research performs the application of an investigative method, by study Hooke's law experimentally in high school, the analyzed results allow to characterize the benefits of the strategy in epistemological terms. More specifically, after this application, a structured questionnaire served to collect information from the students, evaluating in this context the percentage of the class that, in the majority, was in basic conceptions that diverged from the empiricist-inductive side. This view is philosophically and educationally undesirable and remains in science education, according to the literature in the area, more influenced by the unpreparedness of teachers in the sense treated here. The study hopes to contribute with research line that intercalates contemporary reflections of the philosophy of science in pedagogy in order to favor initial and / or continuing teacher training.


Pedagogical Strategy; Investigative Method for Experimental Class; Hooke's Law; High School; Physics Teaching

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.v21iss2id4695


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Direitos autorais 2019 Osmar Henrique Moura Silva, Carlos Eduardo Laburú, Sérgio Camargo, Airton Acácio Castilho Christófalo

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